“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.” (1 Peter 5:6)

In the day to day struggle of life we can forget that he is working for our good and we do not have to feel like we have it all together every day of our lives. So, today if you feel you have less to give just remember to give it to the Lord first and rest in the undying truth that little is much in the hands of the Master.


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“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7, NKJV)

Paul wasn’t one to pull punches, but for him to say that we should be anxious for nothing is a pretty strong statement.

I don’t know about you, but when I read that scripture, I’m thinking, What about my responsibilities? What about the troubled times we live in? Shouldn’t I be concerned about some things?

Certainly Paul isn’t commanding us not to care about important things. But when we approach things the wrong way, we end up turning a genuine concern into a needless anxiety.

Let me give you a way to put your worries in perspective.

Verse 6 says to be anxious for “nothing.” If you break that word apart to say “no thing,” it can serve as a great reminder of what not to be worried about. Because if it’s a thing, there’s no need to worry — it’s just a thing. Be anxious for no thing.

Be concerned about the state of your soul and the souls of others. Be concerned about God’s work in the world. Those are genuine concerns. But when it comes to things, you have to learn to look at them and say (like we used to say in the ’90s), “It’s nothing but a thing.”

A financial need? A conflict in a relationship? A tactical decision to make in your career? By all means, pray about these things. And meanwhile, do your best to handle them in a wise way. But don’t give them more attention than they deserve. There’s no reason God’s peace can’t flood your heart even while you’re dealing with innumerable things.

Take control of what you can today and trust God with what you can’t.


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“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.” (Proverbs 16:9)

I’ve had the opportunity to travel a lot in the past few years. While I certainly appreciate the privilege, I’m a pretty uptight traveler… especially when layovers are involved.

It’s like airport purgatory. While these layovers have tested my patience and have been a cause of frustration in my life, they’ve also taught me a valuable lesson.

They’ve taught me that a temporary stop to a journey — while inconvenient — doesn’t mean I won’t reach my destination. In fact, in all of my layover experiences, I’ve never been permanently stuck somewhere.

The layover is part of the process — and sometimes necessary to get you where you need to go. If you’re experiencing a layover right now, you might as well get Starbucks and make the most of it!

We must learn to appreciate the pause – without thinking its an end to our progress. God has not changed His mind about your final destination.

Pastor C


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“Jesus called out with a loud voice, ‘Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.’ When he had said this, he breathed his last.” (Luke 23:46)

When Jesus uttered His final words and breathed His last on the cross, all seemed lost. The Savior of the world appeared to have been defeated by death, and His followers scattered into hiding. This scene didn’t make sense — at least, according to His disciples.

They had been following Jesus and witnessing miracle after miracle, only for it to end with Him taking His final breath on a brutal Roman cross.

Except it wasn’t the end. As we now know, there’s more to the story — much more.

What appeared to be final death was actually the extinction of it.
What looked like certain defeat was actually divine destiny.
What seemed like the end was actually just the beginning.

Three days later, Jesus rose from the grave and permanently disabled the sting of death. Not only that — His death served as the process by which God would make His life-giving, life-changing Spirit available to all who believe.

The scene you find yourself in right now may not appear to be favorable, but don’t judge your whole story by it — it’s just a scene. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the grave is now alive and working for us.

Resurrection power makes all things possible.


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“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” -Genesis 50:20

One thing I admire about Joseph: He never allowed any disappointment to define his life. The only thing that Joseph allowed to define his life was the presence/promise of God. Whether he was being sold into slavery by his brothers, serving as a dream interpreter for the king, or ruling over Egypt — Joseph knew who he was, and who was with him.

Joseph had every right to play the victim. But he chose to allow the hand of God — not his hardships — to write his headlines. He was able to look back at his life and say to the brothers who sold him into slavery, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good.”

You may not be able to see it at this moment, but God’s hand is at work in your life. And if you will choose to trust it, that same hand can write your headlines.


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The little women came to the well at noon, hoping to see no one because most women went in the morning or evening for water. She came in the punishing middle eastern heat (modern day Palestine) to ensure no one would be there. But that day there was a man at the well. He said he was there to drink but Jacob’s well was deep and even though she made many mistakes in life she was not ignorant. She pointed out, “Rabbi, how can you draw with no bucket?” He said if you knew who I was you would ask me for a drink and I would give you living water that will flow from inside you. (from your spirit – rivers of living water) This water will quench your thirst in ways that you will never need a drink again. Of course she said, “sir, give me of this water!” It would mean never having to make the lonely trip in the middle of the day. She was a scarlet women, having had 5 husbands, and now with one that was number 6 but they were not married. This Rabbi didn’t gloss it over, he touched her pain by saying go get your husband. She got religious – which is what most do when Jesus call us out on something. Then he said I am the messiah and I will fill you with my spirit and it will be like water in your soul that satisfies…you will be the vessel…the bucket. This is what she was searching for because she was so excited about the fact that she was invited and welcome….she had a place. Imagine the joy she felt that he didn’t just want from her like every other man she knew, but he wanted something for her. She was selected…across cultural and ethnic and religious barriers. Jesus said…”they may not, but I chose you” and that day she found out that she was on God’s bucket list…she was unaccepted by so many….but to Jesus…the well sitting on a well (preacher humor ????)…she was was a worthy vessel, called by God. (She became the first evangelist to
Sumaria, and forever a good deed done is labeled as being done by a good Sumaritan)
She took the message of Jesus to that city before Phillip the Apostle and there is buried John the Baptist- who the bible calls greatest man – a revivalist who baptized Jesus himself. Could it be that it all started with a little lady that said yes to God’s call and that day left her bucket at the well to become a bucket for living water. God has called you and God gifted you and those calling and gifts will always call to your heart and lead you in life. Look back and you will see evidence of them at work. You are a chosen vessel and no one or no “thing” can take those gifts and callings away.

Romans 11:29
For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance

The Greatest minds and talents of time recognize that these gifts and calling should lead us:
“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” ~Pablo Picasso

When God calls and when he gave or embedded gifts in you. They are irrevocable. You may have filled your bucket with many things in life trying to find satisfaction. But he wants to fill you with his Spirit to activate and empower your gift and callings. God has a list of great things for you, that will flow out of what he put in you. Because, you are “God’s Bucket List.”
NOTHING can disqualify you for the gifts he gave you. Remember If God started it or gave it to you…its unstoppable!

“For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.” ~Romans 11:29


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When Moving Forward Makes No Sense

“On the seventh day, they got up at daybreak and marched around the city seven times in the same manner, except that on that day they circled the city seven times. The seventh time around, when the priests sounded the trumpet blast, Joshua commanded the army, ‘Shout! For the LORD has given you the city!'” (Joshua 6:15-16)

As Joshua rounded the walls for the seventh time on the seventh day, it’s hard to imagine the nervousness he felt — and perhaps even the confusion. He had spent seven days walking around a city wall leading an entire nation of people. And if that wasn’t enough, the final instructions for obtaining victory was for his people to blow trumpets and give a loud shout.

Why did they have to walk around a city wall? Why seven laps? Why seven days? And how was shouting supposed to cause a structurally sound wall to collapse?

A lot of it didn’t make sense, but when it comes to faith — that isn’t that unusual. In fact, rarely are the instructions of faith perfectly logical and comfortable.

Faith will tell you to have patience when everything else is telling you to panic.
Faith will tell you to hold on when everything else is telling you to let go.
Faith will steady your footsteps and will tell you to push forward when everything else is telling you to pull back.
You may not be facing a monstrous wall like Joshua was, but you are facing something. And even if the way forward doesn’t make sense, the good news is it doesn’t have to. Having faith isn’t about making sense; it’s about moving forward, no matter what. Put faith in your footsteps knowing the one that guides you is a good God.

The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him;
Psalm 37:23

Be blessed!


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We are located in Waukesha County a Suburb of Milwaukee Wisconsin.

We are all framed by Faith, or by Fears

The things we believe are the framework of our lives! That framework creates our places or areas of focus. Dreams, visions, aspirations and hopes must be developed and framed in our minds so that when situations and circumstances do not line up, our faith does not give way to fears.
Framing is not a form of closed mindedness, but a protection of your dreams and purpose. Has today been framed with fears and frustrations or have you put a protective border around what you want your future to look like?
If you feel fear overwhelming you then it will dismantle the destiny ahead.
Job said: “that which I feared has come upon me”. ~Job 3:25
In another translation it says:
“For the thing which I fear cometh upon me, And that which I am afraid of cometh unto me.”
So just like faith, fear also brings fruit. Both will manifest something in our lives. So what is pulling your focus? Is it fear or is it undaunting faith in your future?
The answer to these questions will develop in the framework of our lives the picture of ourselves and our future.
So it is imperative that each of us ask ourselves the source of any fear or anxiety in our lives. In order to push it out. Faith is not the opposite of fear but they do compete against each other. FEAR brings uncertainty, TRUST(is the opposite of fear) and brings peace of mind.
The bible say:
“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” ~2 Timothy 1:7
Fear effects your spirit. It can cause sadness and discouragement. Some people search for happiness because they are trying to mask fears. Many also mistake “fun” for “happiness” and they are not the same thing. “Fun” is a state of doing
“Happiness” is a state of being
People pursue “doing” thinking it will make them happy, but the truth is that happiness comes from framing. When “fun” is substituted for faith. who you are and the peace of mind and spirit that come from being who God called you to be is forfeited. Don’t get me wrong, Im not against fun, but it only causes temporary relief, simply because you stop thinking about the problems or fears. That can be good, but “fun” can not over come fears, only faith can do that!
Peter 5:6-7 says cast your fears on God:
“Humble yourselves… under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”
Have you been trying to get rid of your anxiety the wrong way?

In the original language that Peter used, verses 6 & 7 are not two separate sentences; they’re one. This means the ideas are connected as cause and effect — casting our anxiety on God requires humbling ourselves first. Where there is pride, there is anxiety that goes with it.
Where pride is present…anxiety is sure to show up.
But when we humble ourselves and let faith in God be what frames us. Then our lives will develop into what He wants our lives to be.

Have a blessed day!



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1.) With > What

The disciples struggled with the loss of Jesus on the cross. Because Jesus had effectively taught them life is not about what you have as much as it is about who you are with. Everything the disciples needed was released because of who they were with!

The Key ???? is your connections.
What you can do in life is directly linked to who you are with.

“Your safety NET of life is built by how well you NETwork.” Its not “what” you know but “who” you know (with) that makes you successful in life.

For the disciples – WITH > WHAT
“Now when they beheld the boldness of Peter and John, and had perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been WITH Jesus.”
‭‭Acts‬ ‭4:13‬ ‭ASV‬

Never chase a WHAT (things) over the people you are WITH.

Spiritual principal:
Make God the one thing you chose never to live WITHout.

On the other side of that one decision.
Is the greatest life you can imagine.
And clarity of identity in Christ!!
Because I know no matter what comes against me…it can not destroy me because I’m WITH Him!!
Popular – I’m with him
Unpopular – I’m with him
Accepted – I’m with him
Unaccepted – I’m still with him
While the world struggles with loss of identity
We stand confident in who we are and what we are because of who we place our allegiance WITH.
Because our WITH is greater than our WHAT.

2.) Good > Great

You can be blinded to the good when pursuing the great.
Some pursue greatness to the detriment of everything GOOD in their life.

Spiritual principal:
God said “it is Good” 7 times in Genesis during creation.
7 is the number of perfection
Life principal:
That tells me that the perfect things in life are embedded in the GOOD THINGS NOT THE GREAT.
Great things – High points!
Great things – Emotional highs.
Great things – Are just that…great!
But we live on the good things of life!
There are great points but the perfecting of our life is when we find he is still a GOOD God in the valley!!
The valley:
low points – perfects our faith
low points – lets “patience have its perfect work in us” James 1:4
Low points/Difficult moments – ground us in God!
“Its the struggle that reminds us we still need a savior!!”

Romans 8:28
“All things work together for good (he didn’t say great!)
WE CANT SAY ALL THE THINGS THAT HAPPEN TO US IN LIFE ARE GREAT…but, God’s promise is that if we keep our hope in him ALL things will be made “good” by him.
That means nothing will be waisted.
No pain – meaningless
No loneliness – will be a loss
No suffering – will go unnoticed by God
No time serving – unnoticed by heaven
No struggle – left unrewarded
No injustice – will go unpaid for
He will make all things good some day or he can not be called a just God.

So focus on who you are “WITH” and strive not for perfection but find the perfect in “GOOD” things.

“Avoid evil and do good! Seek peace (with) and pursue it!”
~Psalm 34:14


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Because if you wait till you’re ready you will never get started.

The learning is in the journey not the destination.

The 3D life of learning and fulfillment:
1.) Detours (finding joy in the journey)
2.) Details. (Looking for the small things)
3.) Disappointments (learning from the let downs)

“Make each moments a manifestation of mental expectancy.” ~me ????

Detours are frustrating but sometimes it’s in the seemingly meaningless meanderings where moment of life surface that are graced with the greatest serendipity. It’s in those innocuous situations that unforgettable change occurs in our lives! They say, “You see and receive what you are looking for”. But sometimes we are looking at all the wrong things and it’s the detour that changes our routines, no matter how needed those routines are for our successes, to let very special moments sneak up on us. And what your eyes perceive becomes your reality, because our perception IS our reality….So we learn not to despise the detour but celebrate it because it changes our reality. Lift your glance and set your eyes on the benefits that come from the detours of life.

Details often escape us because the brain has a way of ignoring the common, everyday, always-in-your-routine items in our daily lives. That fact alone then causes us to loose sight of conversely discount our blessings. Often turning attention to the drama that’s demanding our attention. But, It’s not the drama that teaches us best, it’s when we force ourselves to see what’s always been right in front of us all along.

Disappointments are what draws us to restructure and reassessment and in the process of those heart struggle moments we rediscover health and hope and balance. It’s the low moments we find who real friends are and where real connections exist. Disappointment helps us to know what is timely and timeless and even though we need both we learn in those places to never give up on the timeless things in our lives. It’s there that we discover the people that should be included in our high moments because they were there in our low moments. It’s where we learn some of the greatest lessons in and of life. And those lessons become anchor ⚓️ points that keep us secure as we travel through life and pursue our dreams. It’s the storms of disappoint we walk through that make the bright and sunny days much brighter. It’s the love we feel in those moments that we should cherish, but too often we see all the things that are a nuisance to us and our love gets buried under the stress and frustrations of so many things that end up being the wrong details to have focused on in the end. Don’t focus on the storm clouds, remember the sun is above them. Remember, love is a gift and a verb. And it must be given and acted upon at every point in our journey. It’s in the low moments that love and friendship and loyalty and hope and, and, and…..(the list goes on) are most effectively defined. Disappointment is definition!

Eugene Peterson was credited with the statement: “Every step is an arrival”.

The question we must ask is, “Will our arrival be a good place or a GREAT place?” We all have places that are good in our lives but the question that destiny asks each of us is; “do you want to just settle for GOOD or do you want to keep going and reach GREAT?”

The greatest pain is not starting and failing, the greatest pain is wondering what could have been if you had started anyways!

Chasing greatness is the road less traveled, but it’s a road that answers the question “what if”

“What if” I had started that business?
“What if” I had fought for that friendship?

You see we were not designed for good, because chasing greatness is the only journey that mutes the voice of regret.

And “if” you want to achieve greatness stop asking for permission and just get started…you are intuitive enough to find a way but you must be facing the direction of your dreams to see it.

The greatest pain is not starting and failing, the greatest pain is wondering what could have been if you had started anyways!

So today…join the journey and
“Grow As You Go”!


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