LifeSpring Church’s Young Adult Group

LS-Hyphen (18-35 yrs)

There is a gap, there is a generation in need.  Only 20% of young adults maintain the relationship with God that they had in high school;  61% of young adults leave Christianity after high school.  Like a hyphen connects two concepts to create a new meaning and a new purpose, LS-Hyphen is to connect young adults from their teen years to adulthood.

Hyphen is the new young adult ministry of the General Youth Division that seeks to connect young adults To Service…With Purpose… Through Resources…For a Mission.

If you would like more information on what Hyphen is click here!

Psalm 119:9 “Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word.”

Hyphen- Young Adult Leader

Nathan Fromstein

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