Core7 Values of LifeSpring Church in Brookfield
- Never Stop Growing
We take our spiritual growth personally and commit to exploring all that God has for us.
- Contributors, Not Consumers
We live to give and make a difference.
- Spirit Strong
We embrace God’s Spirit at work among us and want to live Spirit led lives.
- Proactive Not Reactive
We will plan and implement systems and ministries for the future before it gets here.
- Live in Your Season
We will encourage people to get involved in ministries that match their season of life. You are most effective in helping other in the areas you are most familiar.
- M3 Mission Minded Ministry
We will support local and global missions that further the gospel of Jesus Christ. As well as train people to take on their God-given plan and mission in life.
We will encourage:
Maturity, (Discipleship)
Ministry (Get involved)
Mission (God’s plan for you)
- Renovate for Better Results
We will constantly analyze and make alterations in systems and ministries to strive for excellence and effectiveness.
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